Admittedly, I have neglected my blog. Until I looked at it today, I didn't even realize it's been SIX MONTHS since my last post! Holy cow, time flies.
I started 2011 off with a bang participating in the Charcutepalooza adventure, but due to a lot of changes at work and home, I fell off the meat wagon.
My baking wasn't as prolific either, for the same reasons. I did get a few cakes made, like the one at the left.
So what am I going to do in 2012? Hopefully a lot more baking, much of it to be chronicled on my new blog, A Yankee Bakes the South.I will also get back to bacon, too (I have 10 pounds of pork belly thawing as I type).
If the Mayans are correct, I need to really put in an effort this year, as it will be the last! But at the very least I have nearly 12 months of baking and bacon before the apocalypse, so I better start crackin'. I hope you will join me on my journey.
Glad to se you posting here again, Darcie!
Posted by: Becky | January 31, 2012 at 11:53 AM