This holiday season is the first for me at my new job, so I wanted to make a good impression with my cookie trays.
I didn't make as many varieties as I had hoped due to a weather-related delay. Spending 4 hours shoveling 20 inches of snow puts a dent in the baking activities! At least I'm getting exercise (and I only hurt my back a little...). It seems that this winter I will stay in shape. We've had, I believe, five major snows and today is only the first day of actual winter! When retirement time comes I'm ready for a warmer clime. Only about 18 more years LOL...actually not LOL, *sigh*...
Back to the cookies. I made a chewy ginger cookie (top left), Cook's Illustrated's peanut butter (left bottom), a super vanilla shortbread with the perfect texture (left middle ring of cookies), my latest recipe creation - chewy cranberry cookies (center of both trays), lavender lemon (center of left tray), Cook's Illustrated coconut macaroons (top center), Marilyn's Toffee (bottom center), monster cookies (right tray), and Swedish Brunli (stars in center of right tray). The Brunli are gluten free and consist mainly of almonds, egg whites, spices and some cocoa powder. I think the recipe came from Fine Cooking but I am not certain.
The monster cookies (with M&Ms) were the first to go, followed closely by the vanilla shortbread. I shaped the shortbread into balls and flattened them with a snowflake cookie stamp. You can't see the detail in this photo but there were adorable! The stamp was a real pain to use, though. I spent a lot of time with a toothpick unclogging it.
If anyone wants the shortbread, ginger, or cranberry cookie recipes, please post a comment below!