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March 12, 2008


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If the light stays on while the top is off the food processor, yes I've been known to turn one off that way, it is useful because it tells you that when you put the top on the motor will start.

I didn't even think of that. That hasn't been a problem for me. Guess you learn something new every day.

When I'm doing certain large recipes, marmalade with 8 lbs of fruit as example, it takes several bowls of the food processor to handle it all. I just take off the top, dump into another container, put the blade back on, put the top back on and start pumping fruit through.

Oh sure, try to ruin my day. You see, a week ago Friday, I was making a chicken liver mousse for my Mother's 75th birthday dinner and noticed the mixture oozing through a crack in the work bowl. After convincing my wife that she wasn't going find a replacement bowl for a 15 year old food processor (especially when the company no longer makes food processors) we went through the research process (Cook's Illustrated, Alton, etc.) we found a great price. This morning I found that our KitchenAid KFP750OB 700-Watt 12-Cup Food Processor, Onyx Black from Amazon.com had arrived at the local UPS for Monday delivery.

So thanks!

The good news is that we use the stand mixer for cookie dough ;-)

I always toy with the idea of replacing my very old cuisinart, but then I read things like this and think again. My cuis is small, I think I have the dc10, but man it works great!! I think I've had it for 15 years and I replaced the chopping blade once. Its still razor sharp.

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