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March 06, 2008


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Dear Wife does not want me to get started on candy making. However carmel is very tempting.

Darcie -

I was told to check you out by NTSC at "Art of the Pig" and saw that you were also involved in the latest Ruhlman/offal controversy, which was incredibly fun and fascinating, but then turned weird and ugly...which only makes me want to keep reading.

I wanted to drop in and say "hi!". Your "about section" is hilarious. 6 cats? So happy I don't have to clean up all those fur balls :)

Any chick who loves bacon enough to use it for the title of her blog has gotta be pretty cool...


Hi Darcie! I enjoy reading about your exploits in baking and bacon. I made some Honey Caramels a while back. I have some incredible Wildflower Honey and wasn't sure if the distinct flavor would hold up in the cooking process. It did and they are delicious. I found the recipe over at the gildedfork.com. The recipe is called Honey Lavender Caramels. I didn't use the lavender since I was after the particular flavor of this honey, but I bet that would be good with a plainer honey.

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