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December 11, 2007


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LOL! Can of nastiness? I love it! (Well, not the can of nastiness, but your reference to it!) :) I love the suggestion to add vanilla (or another flavoring); that's never occurred to me! Thanks!

Hi Darcie, can this easy recipe be used to frost plain biscotti (if for example, my friend bought me biscotti from Costco :) Or do you need a waxier frosting to stick to it and hold up well???

I wait for the ganache to cool a little bit and then just pour it over the top of the cake and help it spread down the sides.

Do this on a cookie sheet, and you can use a spoon (or your fingers) on the drippings.

The down side I discovered on chips is that they age faster than bars. More surface area.


I wouldn't recommend ganache for dipping cookies. It's melts too easily ... it would stick all over your fingers. For cookies, you want a solid dark chocolate which you apply melted.

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