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Kristi Cash

Hey Darcie! It's Kristi, your old work pal, wishing you a Happy Birthday! (Ok I have to admit I don't have a phenomenal memory, I programmed it in Lotus Notes when I first started here for the birthday greeting on the website to remind me when everyone's birthday was - but I did make the effort to find your new blog so I think that counts for something ha ha). Hope it's a good one! We still miss you! Hope everything is going well.


I am a Yankee...Born and raised in Michigan...Have been in Florida for 32 years but not sure this is really a southern state regardless of where it is situated on the map...Unsweet tea all the way (drink at least 3 quarts a day) and sweeten cornbread....My hubby who is from Nova Scotia actually prefers southern corn bread...Am going to give your recipe a try...Thanks for a great site...

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